Intake and consent form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastDate *Address, City, State, Zip *Cell Phone Number *Email *Height *Weight (lbs) *Birthdate *Doctor's Name *FirstLastDoctor's Telephone *Have you been diagnosed with any of the following? *Aneurysm/blood clotColitisCardiac DiseaseColorectal CancerCirrhosis of LiverEpilepsySeizure DisorderKidney Disease/DialysisBleeding HemmorrhoidsFissureProstatitisRecent Abdominal SurgeryGI HemmorhageCrohn's DiseaseDiverticulitisBladder/Apendix/Prostate RemovalAbdominal HerniaFistulaRectoceleC-Section, Hysterectomy, etc.Uncontrolled Blood PressureAre you pregnant?NONE OF THE ABOVEIf you answer yes to any of these, colon hydrotherapy is not for youHow often do you have a bowel movement? *Are they... *Spontaneous?Only after eating?Require straining?Effortless?Do you have hemmorhoids or other rectal problems? *YesNoHow often do you use a laxative, herbal laxative, and or stool softener? *Have you ever had rectal bleeding, if yes, when? *Do you consume... *CoffeeTeaCarbonated drinksAlcoholTobaccoDairy productsNONE OF THE ABOVESugar or salt cravings? *YesNoVegetarian/Vegan? *YesNoWater intake per day? *Exercise? (Type and frequency) *Hours Sleeping? *I, _________________, by signing this form am stating that I’ve provided truthful information to the best of my knowledge to the hydrotherapist. I consent to this treatment and remove Mallory Perry, the hydrotherapist, from any of all liability. *By typing your name above you are signing this formSubmit